Design is a Risk Management Strategy

Design leaders need to advocate for their teams and their practice on a near-constant basis. My perspective on accomplishing this has really shifted in the last couple years. For a long time, I’ve talked about how close we are to our customers, push for aspirational levels of design quality, and execute a robust process. I …

Collaboration tips for a remote work world

Here are a few things that I have picked up that help keep the design process moving when you can’t be in the same room putting post-its on a whiteboard together. Set expectations with an agenda. Before you send out a meeting invite for any Design Thinking session, draft an agenda that FULLY explains the process, …

Where would you begin with this team?

Let me know if you’ve worked on a project like this. Think of a product team that’s working on some kind of online platform, we’ll call them TechSite. Someone on the TechSite team, a leader of some kind, decides that an initiative is important and declares it a priority to launch a new product. The …

Managing risks beyond the product

Without risk, there is no opportunity. Any business, any organization–even any individual person–will face their own responsibility for identifying risks, assessing the probability and consequences, and managing the risk to the best possible outcome. Some people are better at it than others, and some firms are better at it than others. Designers can find themselves …