Career Values

The Knowdell Career Values Card Sort is a straightforward online card sort tool to help prioritize what aspects of your career you value or those you could pursue. I did an assessment as part of my MBA program, among many others. My report indicates the following variables that are key to my work satisfaction, in order of importance.

  1. Advancement: Be able to get ahead rapidly, gaining opportunities for growth and seniority from work well-done.
  2. Environment: Work on tasks that have a positive effect on the natural environment.
  3. Challenging Problems: Engage continually with complex questions, demanding tasks, trouble-shooting and problem-solving as a core part of my job.
  4. Influence People: Be in a position to change attitudes or opinions of others.
  5. Time Freedom: Have responsibilities at which I can work according to my time schedule; no specific working hours required.
  6. High Earnings Anticipated: Be able to purchase essentials and the luxuries of life that I wish.
  7. Creativity: Create new ideas, programs, organized structures or anything else not following a format developed by others.
  8. Help Others: Be involved in helping people directly, either individually or in small groups.

The test indicates a second tier of variables as well, including Independence, Authority, Work-Life Balance, Family, Fun & Humor, Work with others, Creative Expression, Intellectual status, and others.

I’m using these values to evaluate potential opportunities, grading each on a scale from 3, 2, 1, 0, -1.