There were opening remarks from Andy and Andy to kick things off, but I missed almost all of it because I was dealing with ATT. That made me sad.

Then I went to theTim-Tam Slam meet-up and drank coffee through a cookie and then ate the cookie and it was amazing.
Then I met a former teacher who is now doing social-emotional work with kids. She is handing out free mini-zine guides that tell you what to do when you’re freaking out. And her husband who is a cool developer. They live in Austin.

Then I had a crazy Japanese lunch of fried and pickled things, though I’m not entirely sure what.
Then I noticed my phone was running low, so I left to charge devices.

Back to the festival, a chance to play with PlayDate, the crank-based gaming handheld.
Went to a meetup with a bunch of designers.
Dropped in on the ADX maker space to check out a few projects like handmade boats, sculptures, vintage cars and a skin care product line.

Jumped into the Video segment for Nerdwriter, Hair Love, Earworm, Say It Loud, Some SmallBu productions, and closed it out with Unraveled.
And now, to bed, what a day.